Friday, January 1, 2010

2010~Day One

Well here it is 2010 ~ a new decade begins and all my goals and projects that I've been putting off seem to be taking on a new meaning for me this year.

Last night was a blue moon and New Year's Eve. I'm not sure why that seems so signifigant to me, but it has been.

I am dedicating this year of 2010 to me and to taking time for things that I want to do for myself. Now to some that may sound selfish, but in retrospect well deserved and way overdue.

This blog has been started so I can begin writing every day, I'm not sure about what, but just to write for 30 minutes every day for the next year. This may prove to be tricky as I've got this family to take care of, a job, a business, a dog and cat and a mother that lives next door, but I'm going to really give it a go.

I often wonder how many women put off things they want to do, because we're busy doing something for someone else? Comments are welcome and Happy New Year!